oil on canvas, oval
36.22 in. (92.00 cm.) (height) by 27.56 in. (70.00 cm.) (width)
D. Cordellier (ed.), Primatice, maître de Fontainebleau, exhibition catalogue, Paris 2004, p. 349 under cat. no. 183, and note 6 (where Sylvie Béguin's attribution to Nicolò dell'Abate based on a Primaticcio design is reported);. S. Béguin in S. Béguin and F. Piccinini (eds.), Nicolò dell'Abate, storie dipinte nella pittura del Cinquecento tra Modena e Fontainebleau, exhibition catalogue, Milan 2005, p. 457, under cat. no. 251 (as Nicolò dell'Abate and collaborator);. N. Forti Grazzini, "Pour Nicolò dell’Abate en France: la Sophonisbe retrouvée,"in Peindre en France à la Renaissance II. Fontainebleau et son rayonnement, Milan 2012, pp. 49-61, reproduced plates 11 and 12 (as an artist very close to Nicolò dell'Abate with Nicolò's possible collaboration; the subject is identified as Sophonisba).
Conte Bassi collection;. His sale, Milan, Genolini, 7-9 November 1898, lot 131 (as Abate Francesco Primaticcio).