polychromed terracotta
Size Notes:
French, circa 1560, Circle of Germain Pilon (1525-1590)
Along with the Fillette assise holding a cup (sold Sothebys, 28 november 2017), our terracotta is the only mentioned full length portrait of a child, and not a bust. Although no other comparable full-length terracotta figures seem to have survived, the existence of such works is mentioned in contemporary documents. The posthumous inventory of Pilons studio drawn up in February 1590 with the help of the sculptor Martin Lefort, notes many polychrome portraitsincluding those of Franois I, Henri II, the Queen of Navarre and Constable of France Anne de Montmorencyand mentions several figures of children that are both painted and clothed??. The term figure (figure), used as distinct from that of tte (head) indeed to designate representations of dressed children in full length, the flesh, eyes and hair painted quite naturally (au naturel). The precise descriptions in the inventory throw light on this little-known facet of the work of Pilon and his studio. Thus "Deux figures denfants au naturel, peints et toffs, 4 cus" (Two figures of children painted and clothed, 4 ecus) are mentioned in the home of the sculptor (E. Coyecques, op. cit. p. 50). Further on, "Deux petits enfants assis sur un matelas et qui se mordent le doigt, 3 cus" (Two small children seated on a mattress, biting their fingers, 3 ecus) are mentioned, followed by "Cinq ttes denfants dont une toffe, 30 s." (Five heads of children, including one that is clothed, 30 sols) (ibidem, p. 55).
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