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Lot Details

Portrait of King Henry VIII, Half-length, Wearing A Richly Embroidered Red Velvet Surcoat, Holding A Staff by 
																	Hans Holbein

Studio of Hans Holbein the Younger

( German, Studio of 1497 - 1543 )

Portrait of King Henry VIII, Half-length, Wearing A Richly Embroidered Red Velvet Surcoat, Holding A Staff




oil with gold and silver on oak panel


36.61 in. (93.00 cm.) (height) by 26.77 in. (68.00 cm.) (width)


inscribed on the staff: H and dated: 1542


Possibly the painting of 'Henrico octavo' listed in the Inventory of Pictures, etc., in the Possession of Alethea, Countes of Arundel, at the time of her death at Amsterdam in 1654, London, Public Record Office, DEL 1,7, ff. 693 r.-705 v.;. Possibly George Vertue, Note Books, Vol. IV, 1736, in Walpole Society, vol. xxiv, 1935-36, p. 117;. 4th Earl of Carlisle, Probate Inventory, Ms., 1759, no.109, ‘Henry the 8 th. A half Length in a Carv’d & Gilt Frame’;. England Displayed, being a new, complete, and accurate survey and description of the Kingdom of England and Principality of Wales… By a Society of Gentlemen, 1769, p. 147: ‘Holbein, Harry VIII’;. 5th Earl of Carlisle, A List of the Best Pictures at Castle Howard not purchased by me, Ms., 1771, p. 7, no. 6;. H. Walpole, 'Journals of Visits to Country Seats', 1772, ed. Paget Toynbee, Walpole Society, XVI (1928) pp.72-73, ‘Henry 8 by Holbein’;. John Manners, 5 th Duke of Rutland, Travels in Great Britain, London 1805, ‘..a Holbein of Henry VIII’; . Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, 1 st edition, 1805, no. xlvi;. J. Britton and E. W. Brayley, The Beauties of England and Wales, London 1812, vol. XVI, p. 256, no. 46;. 5th Earl of Carlisle, Probate Inventory, Ms. 1825, p. 7, Little Breakfast Room;. Georgiana, Countess of Carlisle, Descriptive Catalogue of Pictures, Ms. 1837, p. 24, no. 46, as hanging in the Music Room;. G. F. Waagen, Works of Art and Artists in England, vol. III, London 1838, p. 206, no. 46; 'An old copy of the picture in Warwick Castle';. Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, 4 th edition, 1845, p. 10, no. 106, as hanging in the Music Room;. 6 th Earl of Carlisle Probate Inventory, Ms. 1849, p. 128, no. 106, Music Room;. G. F. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain, vol. III, London 1854, p. 323 (as a copy);. 7 th Earl of Carlisle Probate Inventory, Ms. 1865, p. 171, no. 106, Lower Saloon;. Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, 1874, no. 34, Mabeuse Room;. J. Duthie, Manuscript Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, vol. I, Ms., 1878, no. 28, Mabeuse Room, ‘purchased by Henry 4 th Earl of Carlisle’, with the later note: ‘sent to Naworth’;. J. Duthie, Manuscript Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, vol. II, Ms., 1880, no. 24, as hanging in the Mabeuse Room;. Hawkesbury, Catalogue of Portraits and Miniatures at Castle Howard and Naworth Castle, c. 1904, p. 73, no. 67, hanging at Naworth in the Music Room (attributed to Hornebolt [sic]);. Possibly M. L. Cox, ‘Inventory of the Arundel Collection’, in Burlington Magazine, vol. xix, no. 102, September 1911, p. 324;. Rosalind, 9th Countess of Carlisle, Manuscript catalogue of pictures at Castle Howard, 1918, p. 57, no. 24, as back at Castle Howard in the Dining Room;. L. Jones, Manuscript Catalogue of Pictures at Castle Howard, Castle Howard Ms. 1926, no. 24;. P. Ganz, 'Henry VIII and his court painter, Hans Holbein', in Burlington Magazine, vol. LXIII, October 1933, pp. 145-55, reproduced in color and plates III and IV (as Holbein);. P. Ganz, `The Castle Howard Portrait of Henry VIII', Burlington Magazine, vol. LXIV, February 1934, pp. 80-86, reproduced (as Holbein);. H. A. Schmid, 'Kann man die Urheberschaft Holbeins den Jüngeren nur auf Grund von Photographieren ablehnen?', in Prussian Jahrburch, LV, 1934, pp. 126-38 (as not by Holbein);. P. Ganz, 'Holbein and Henry VIII', in Burlington Magazine, vol. LXXXIII, November 1943, p. 271 (as Holbein);. H. A. Schmid, Hans Holbein der Jüngere. Sein Austieg zur Meisterschaft und sein Englischer Stil, Basel 1945, pp. 376, 385 (as not by Holbein);. P. Ganz, The Paintings of Hans Holbein, London 1956, pp. 254-55, no. 119, reproduced plate 158 (as Holbein);. R. Strong, Tudor & Jacobean Portraits, London 1968, vol. I, p. 159, vol. II, reproduced fig. 313;. R. Salvini and H. W. Grohn, L'Opera Completa di Holbein, Milan 1971, p. 108, no. 135 (as largely workshop of Holbein); . J. Rowlands, Holbein, London 1985, p. 236, no. R. 37(a) (as follower of Holbein).


Possibly Thomas Howard, 3 rd Duke of Norfolk (1473-1554);. Thence possibly by descent to his great-great-grandson Thomas Howard, 2 nd Earl of Arundel (1585-1646), and recorded as a portrait of Henrico octavo in the inventory of the estate of his widow, Alethea, Countess of Arundel in 1654;. Thence possibly by descent to her third son William, 1st Viscount Stafford (1614-1680), Tart Hall, London;. Henry Howard, 4th Earl of Carlisle (1694-1758), probably seen at Carlisle House, Soho, London, and in whose probate inventory of 1759 certainly listed as at Castle Howard;. Thence by descent.



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